- Do I need to provide a First Day Orientation for the tutors?
- What is the expectation for the campus when it comes to gathering materials for the tutoring sessions?
- Do tutors come with a computer or any other technology devices or do these need to be provided by the district?
- How do tutors track their hours and student attendance?
- How do breaks work for tutors?
- What is the HeyTutor Dress Code?
- When do tutors plan/prepare for their lessons?
- When will the school be notified when a tutor isn't coming?
- How should the school inform the tutors in the event that the school will be closed?
- Are tutors required to have planning time within the time at our school or do they plan away from school on their time?
- What is the protocol for emailing tutors assigned to my schools?
- What type of training do tutors receive prior to beginning their assigned shifts?
- How are tutors expected to communicate with HeyTutor for operational/HR issues?
- How do I report an issue or concern about a tutor?
- Can I change the schedule for one of my tutors?
- Who can I contact if my question is not answered here?
- What should I expect from our tutors?